Water Conservation Resources & Information

Water Conservation Resources & Information

Water Conservation Resources & Information


Water conservation ideas from the Alliance for Water Efficiency for homeowners can be found here: Water Conservation Tips

The PUD is a WaterSense partner!  See below for monthly Water Saving Tips brought to you by WaterSense

Please visit their site for additional water conservation resources and information.

Water Conservation Quick Tips:

  • Make every drop count in the summer. In the summer, water consumption more than doubles, and much of it is used on lawns and gardens. Water is a valuable resource, and we must use it wisely. Here are a few hints to help you make every drop count.
  • Lawns like to get thirsty. Most lawns need about an inch of water a week – or every three days if its really hot and dry. Use the tuna can method to measure how long it takes your lawn to get an inch of water.
  • If it doesn’t grow, don’t water it. If you’re watering your sidewalks, adjust or replace your sprinklers. Water only as fast as your ground can absorb.
    Water early in the morning or in the evening. Your lawn gets more water because less evaporates.
  • Wash the car, not the gutter. A running hose uses at least 100 gallons every 20 minutes. A sudsy bucket and a hose rinse with a shutoff nozzle can do the job with 15 gallons. Alternatively, visit a car wash that recycles their water.

Revolving Monthly Tip from WaterSense: